Peer-reviewed articles

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  • Li K, Sommer S, Guo Y, Ozgul A, Wang D (in press) Appendage sizes in three rodent species are affected indirectly by climate factors via their effects on body size. Integrative Zoology
  • Bliard L, Martin JS, Paniw M, … Ozgul A (2025) Detecting context dependence in the expression of life history tradeoffs. Journal of Animal Ecology 
  • Pethig L, Ozgul A, Heistermann M, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2025) Prenatal sex determination illuminates the unusual adult sex ratio of a group-living lemur. Biology Letters
  • García-Navas V, Martínez Núñez C, Christidis L, Ozgul A (2025) A stroll along Australian ecosystems: using bioclimatic transects to examine environmental drivers of community assembly in birds. Journal of Biogeography


  • Lenzi O, Grossenbacher K, … Ozgul A, Schmidt BR (2024) Interplay of abiotic conditions, density, and body size in shaping demography in a high-elevation toad population. Ecosphere
  • Bierhoff L, Bond ML, Ozgul A, Lee DE (2024) Anthropogenic and climatic drivers of population densities in an African savanna ungulate community. Population Ecology
  • Knüsel M, Alther R, Locher N, Ozgul A, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2024) Systematic and highly resolved modeling of biodiversity in inherently rare groundwater amphipods. Journal of Biogeography
  • Conquet E, Paniw M, Borrego N, Nater CR, Packer C, Ozgul A (2024) Multifaceted density dependence: social structure and seasonality effects on Serengeti lion demography. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • García-Navas V, Bliard L, Ozgul A (2024) Impact of a ‘reverse keystone species’ on the temporal dynamics of bird communities in Australia. Biological Conservation
  • García-Navas V, Martínez Núñez C, Christidis L, Ozgul A (2024) Turnover of bird species along the Nullarbor Plain: insights from taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional beta diversity. Ecosphere
  • Bliard L, Paniw M, Childs DZ, Ozgul A (2024) Population dynamic consequences of context-dependent tradeoffs across life histories. American Naturalist
  • Hofmann DD, Behr DM, McNutt JW, Ozgul A, Cozzi G (2024) Dispersal and connectivity in increasingly extreme climatic conditions. Global Change Biology
  • Weber T, Ozgul A, Schmidt BR (2024) Density-dependent performance of larval and juvenile toads: implications for amphibian conservation. Basic and Applied Ecology
  • Dagtekin D, Ertürk A, Sommer S, Ozgul A, Soyumert A (2024) Seasonal habitat-use patterns of large mammals in a human-dominated landscape. Journal of Mammalogy
  • Cozzi G, Reilly M, Abegg D, Behr DM, … Hofmann DD, … McNutt JW (2024) An AI-based platform to investigate African large carnivore dispersal and demography across broad landscapes: a case study and future directions using African wild dogs. African Journal of Ecology


  • Behr DM, Hodel FH, Cozzi G, McNutt JW, Ozgul A (2023) Higher mortality is not a universal cost of dispersal: a case study in African wild dogs. American Naturalist
  • García-Navas V, López-Poveda G, Bliard L, Christidis L, Ozgul A (2023) No country for small birds: potential positive association among medium-sized, aggressive species in Australian bird communities. Diversity and Distributions
  • Bond ML, Ozgul A, Lee DE (2023) Effect of local climate anomalies on giraffe survival. Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Maag N, Cozzi G, … Ozgul A (2023) Dispersal-induced social stress prolongs gestation in wild meerkats. Biology Letters
  • Tucker MA, Schipper AM, … Behr DM, … Cozzi G, … Mueller T (2023) Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns. Science
  • Chakravarty P, Cozzi G, Scantlebury DM, Ozgul A, Aminian K (2023) Combining accelerometry with allometry for estimating daily energy expenditure in joules when in-lab calibration is unavailable. Movement Ecology
  • Ozgul A, Fichtel C, Paniw M, Kappeler PM (2023) Destabilising effect of climate change on the persistence of a short-lived primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
  • Hofmann DD, Cozzi G, McNutt JW, Ozgul A, Behr DM (2023) A three-step approach for assessing landscape connectivity via simulated dispersal: African wild dog case study. Landscape Ecology
  • Hodel FH*, Behr DM*, Cozzi G, Ozgul A (2023) A hierarchical approach for estimating state-specific mortality and state transition in dispersing animals with incomplete death records. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Lenzi O, Grossenbacher K, … Ozgul A, Schmidt BR (2023) Four decades of phenology in an alpine amphibian: trends, stasis, and climatic drivers. Peer Community Journal
  • Conquet E, Ozgul A, … Paniw M (2023) Demographic consequences of changes in environmental periodicity. Ecology


  • Çilingir FG, A’Bear L, … Ozgul A, … Grossen C (2022) Chromosome-level genome assembly for the Aldabra giant tortoise enables insights into the genetic health of a threatened population. GigaScience
  • James NL, Bond ML, Ozgul A, Lee DE (2022) Trophic processes constrain seasonal ungulate distributions at two scales in an East African savanna. Journal of Mammalogy
  • Baruah G, Ozgul A, Clements CF (2022) Community structure determines the predictability of population collapse. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Sigrist B, Signer C, … Ozgul A, … Graf RF (2022) Green-up selection by red deer in heterogeneous, human-dominated landscapes of Central Europe. Ecology and Evolution
  • Schmid M, Paniw M, Postuma M, Ozgul A, Guillaume F (2022) A tradeoff between robustness to environmental fluctuations and speed of evolution. American Naturalist
  • Maag N*, Paniw M*, Cozzi G, Manser M, Clutton-Brock T, Ozgul A (2022) Dispersal decreases survival but increases reproductive opportunities for subordinates in a cooperative breeder. American Naturalist
  • Li K, Sommer S, … Ozgul A, Wang D (2022) Distinct body-size responses to warming climate in three rodent species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
  • Ferrari M, Lindholm AK, Ozgul A, Oli MK, König B (2022) Cooperation by necessity: condition- and density-dependent reproductive tactics of female house mice. Communications Biology
  • Paniw M, Duncan C, … Ozgul A, Clutton-Brock T (2022) Higher temperature extremes exacerbate negative disease effects in a social mammal. Nature Climate Change
  • Çilingir FG, Hansen D, … Ozgul A, Grossen C (2022) Low-coverage reduced representation sequencing reveals subtle within-island genetic structure in Aldabra giant tortoises. Ecology and Evolution


  • Bond ML, Lee DE, Ozgul A, Farine DR, König B (2021) Leaving by staying: social dispersal in giraffes. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Cozzi G, Hollerbach L, … Ozgul A (2021) Eyes, ears, or nose? Comparison of three non-invasive methods to survey wolf recolonisation. Mammalian Biology
  • Bradter U, Ozgul A, Griesser M, Layton-Matthews K, … Haverkamp PJ, Snäll T (2021) Habitat suitability models based on opportunistic citizen science data: evaluating forecasts from alternative methods versus an individual-based model. Diversity and Distributions
  • Lham D, Cozzi G, Sommer S, … Ozgul A (2021) Modeling distribution and habitat suitability for the snow leopard in Bhutan. Frontiers in Conservation Science
  • Çilingir FG, Hansen D, Ozgul A, Grossen C (2021) Design of SNP markers for Aldabra giant tortoises using ddRAD-seq. Conservation Genetics Resources
  • Harrison ND, Maag N, Haverkamp PJ, … Ozgul A, Cozzi G (2021) Behavioural change during dispersal and its relationship to survival and reproduction in a cooperative breeder. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • García-Navas V, Sattler T, Schmid H, Ozgul A (2021) Bird species co-occurrence patterns in an Alpine environment supports the stress gradient hypothesis. Oikos
  • Li G, Wan X, … Ozgul A, … Zhang Z (2021) Timing outweighs magnitude of rainfall in shaping population dynamics of a small mammal species in steppe grassland. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
  • Paniw M, Cozzi G, Sommer S, Ozgul A (2021) Demographic processes in socially structured populations. In: Salguero-Gómez R, Gamelon M (eds) Demographic Methods across the Tree of Life. Oxford University Press
  • Schanz FR, Sommer S, Lami A, Fontaneto D, Ozgul A (2021) Life-history responses of a freshwater rotifer to copper pollution. Ecology and Evolution
  • Lham D, Cozzi G, Sommer S, Wangchuk S, Lham K, Ozgul A (2021) Ecological determinants of livestock depredation by the snow leopard Panthera uncia in Bhutan. Journal of Zoology
  • Layton-Matthews K, Griesser M, Coste CFD, Ozgul A (2021) Forest management affects seasonal source-sink dynamics in a territorial bird metapopulation. Oecologia
  • Bond ML, König B, Ozgul A, Farine DR, Lee DE (2021) Socially defined subpopulations reveal demographic variation in a giraffe metapopulation. Journal of Wildlife Management
  • Paniw M, James T, … Ozgul A, … Salguero-Gómez R (2021) The myriad of complex demographic responses of terrestrial mammals to climate change and gaps of knowledge: a global analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Baruah G, Clements CF, Ozgul A (2021) Effect of habitat quality and phenotypic variation on abundance- and trait-based early warning signals of population collapses. Oikos
  • Hofmann D*, Behr DM*, McNutt JW, Ozgul A, Cozzi G (2021) Bound within boundaries: How well do protected areas match movement corridors of their most mobile, protected species? Journal of Applied Ecology
  • García-Navas V, Sattler T, Schmid H, Ozgul A (2021) Spatial heterogeneity in temporal dynamics of Alpine bird communities along an elevational gradient. Journal of Biogeography
  • Valenzuela-Sánchez A, Wilber MQ, … Schmidt BR, … Ozgul A, … Cayuela H (2021) Why disease ecology needs life-history theory: a host perspective. Ecology Letters 
  • García-Navas V, Sattler T, Schmid H, Ozgul A (2021) High elevation bird communities in the Swiss Alps exhibit reduced fecundity and lifespan independently of phylogenetic effects. Biodiversity and Conservation 
  • Bond ML, Lee DE, Farine DR, Ozgul A, König B (2021) Sociability increases survival of adult female giraffes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
  • Bond ML, König B, Lee DE, Ozgul A, Farine DR (2021) Proximity to humans affects local social structure in a giraffe metapopulation. Journal of Animal Ecology 
  • Lenzi O, Ozgul A, Salguero-Gómez R, Paniw M (2021) Beyond demographic buffering: context dependence in demographic strategies across animals. bioRxiv


  • Chakravarty PCozzi G, … Ozgul A, Aminian K (2020) Seek and learn: automated identification of microevents in animal behaviour using envelopes of acceleration data and machine learning. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Behr DM, McNutt JW, Ozgul A, Cozzi G (2020) When to stay and when to leave? Proximate causes of dispersal in an endangered social carnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Cordes LS, Blumstein DT, … Ozgul A (2020) Contrasting effects of climate change on seasonal survival of a hibernating mammal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 
  • García-Navas V, Sattler T, Schmid H, Ozgul A (2020) Temporal homogenisation of functional and beta diversity in bird communities of the Swiss Alps. Diversity and Distributions
  • Arkilanian AA, Clements CF, Ozgul A, Baruah G (2020) Effects of time-series length and resolution on abundance- and trait-based early warning signals of population declines. Ecology
  • Cozzi G, Behr DM, … Ozgul A (2020) African wild dog dispersal and implications for management. Journal of Wildlife Management 
  • Postuma M, Schmid M, Guillaume F, Ozgul A, Paniw M (2020) The effect of temporal environmental autocorrelation on eco-evolutionary dynamics across life histories. Ecosphere
  • Paniw M, Childs D, … Ozgul A (2020) Assessing seasonal demographic covariation to understand environmental-change impacts on a hibernating mammal. Ecology Letters
  • Baruah G, Clements CF, Ozgul A (2020) Eco-evolutionary processes underlying early warning signals of population declines. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Masó G, Ozgul A, Fitze PS (2020) Decreased precipitation predictability negatively affects population growth through differences in adult survival. American Naturalist


  • Morales-González A, Ruíz-Villar H, Ozgul A, Maag N, Cozzi G (2019) Group size and social status affect scent marking in dispersing female meerkats. Behavioral Ecology
  • Bond ML, Lee DE, Ozgul A, König B (2019) Fission-fusion dynamics of a megaherbivore are driven by ecological, anthropogenic, temporal, and social factors. Oecologia
  • Chakravarty P, Maalberg M, Cozzi G, Ozgul A, Aminian K (2019) Behavioural compass: animal behaviour recognition using magnetometers. Movement Ecology
  • Cayuela H, Cruickshank SS, Brandt H, Ozgul A, Schmidt BR (2019) Habitat-driven life history variation in an amphibian metapopulation. Oikos 
  • Sommer S, Fontaneto D, Ozgul A (2019) Demographic processes underlying fitness restoration in bdelloid rotifers emerging from dehydration. Freshwater Biology
  • Kelt DA, Heske EJ, … Ozgul A, … Sommer S (2019) Advances in population ecology and species interactions in mammals. Journal of Mammalogy
  • Chakravarty P, Cozzi G, Ozgul A, Aminian K (2019) A novel biomechanical approach for animal behaviour recognition using accelerometers. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 
  • Baruah G, Clements CF, Guillaume F, Ozgul A (2019) When do shifts in trait dynamics precede population declines? American Naturalist
  • Paniw M, Maag N, Cozzi G, Clutton-Brock T, Ozgul A (2019) Life history responses of meerkats to seasonal changes in extreme environments. Science 
  • Maag N, Cozzi G, … Ozgul A (2019) Cost of dispersal in a social mammal: body mass loss and increased stress. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 
  • Radchuk V, Reed T, … Ozgul A, … Kramer-Schadt S (2019) Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. Nature Communications 


  • Nater CR, van Benthem KJCanale CI, Schradin C, Ozgul A (2018) Density feedbacks mediate effects of environmental change on population dynamics of a semidesert rodent. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Maag N, Cozzi G, Clutton-Brock T, Ozgul A (2018) Density-dependent dispersal strategies in a cooperative breeder. Ecology 
  • Bateman AW, Ozgul A, Krkošek M, Clutton-Brock TH (2018) Matrix models of hierarchical demography: linking group- and population-level dynamics in cooperative breeders. American Naturalist
  • Clements CF, Blanchard JL, Nash KL, Hindell MA, Ozgul A (2018) Reply to ‘Whaling catch data are not reliable for analyses of body size shifts’. Nature Ecology & Evolution 
  • Clements CF, Ozgul A (2018) Indicators of transitions in biological systems. Ecology Letters 
  • Layton-Matthews K, Ozgul A, Griesser M (2018) The interacting effects of forestry and climate change on the demography of a group-living bird population. Oecologia 
  • Borrego N, Ozgul A, Slotow R, Packer C (2018) Lion population dynamics: do nomadic males matter? Behavioral Ecology 
  • Cozzi G, Maag N, Börger L, Clutton-Brock TH, Ozgul A (2018) Socially informed dispersal in a territorial cooperative breeder. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Paniw M, Ozgul A, Salguero-Gómez R (2018) Interactive life‐history traits predict sensitivity of plants and animals to temporal autocorrelation. Ecology Letters
  • Falcón W, Baxter RP, … Ozgul A, … Hansen DM (2018) Patterns of activity and body temperature of Aldabra giant tortoises in relation to environmental temperature. Ecology and Evolution
  • Clements CF, van de Pol M, Ozgul A (2018) Weighted trait-abundance early warning signals better predict population collapse. bioRxiv 


  • Clements CF, Blanchard JL, Nash KL, Hindell MA, Ozgul A (2017) Body size shifts and early warning signals precede the historic collapse of whale stocks. Nature Ecology & Evolution 
  • Cornioley T, Jenouvrier S, Börger L, Weimerskirch H, Ozgul A (2017) Fathers matter: male body mass affects life-history traits in a size-dimorphic seabird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 
  • Behr DM, Ozgul A, Cozzi G (2017) Combining human acceptance and habitat suitability in a unified socio-ecological suitability model: a case study of the wolf in Switzerland. Journal of Applied Ecology
  • van Benthem KJ*, Bruijning M*, Bonnet T*, Jongejans E**, Postma E**, Ozgul A** (2017) Disentangling evolutionary, plastic and demographic processes underlying trait dynamics: a review of four frameworks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • van Benthem KJ*, Froy H*, Coulson T, Getz LL, Oli MK, Ozgul A (2017) Trait–demography relationships underlying small mammal population fluctuations. Journal of Animal Ecology 
  • Brooks ME, Clements C, Pemberton J, Ozgul A (2017) Estimation of individual growth trajectories when repeated measures are missing. American Naturalist
  • Zweerus NL, Sommer S, Fontaneto D, Ozgul A (2017) Life-history responses to environmental change revealed by resurrected rotifers from a historically polluted lake. Hydrobiologia 
  • Sommer S, van Benthem KJ, Fontaneto D, Ozgul A (2017) Are generic early-warning signals reliable indicators of population collapse in rotifers? Hydrobiologia 
  • Băncilă RI, Cogălniceanu D, Ozgul A, Schmidt BR (2017) The effect of aquatic and terrestrial habitat characteristics on occurrence and breeding probability in a montane amphibian: insights from a spatially explicit multistate occupancy model. Population Ecology
  • Plăiaşu R, Ozgul A, Schmidt BR, Băncilă RI (2017) Estimation of apparent survival probability of the harvestman Paranemastoma sillii sillii (Herman, 1871) from two caves. Animal Biology 
  • Coulson T, Kendall BE, … Ozgul A, Gaillard J-M (2017) Modeling adaptive and nonadaptive responses of populations to environmental change. American Naturalist 


  • Nater CR, Canale CI, van Benthem KJ, … Ozgul A, Schradin C (2016) Interactive effects of exogenous and endogenous factors on demographic rates of an African rodent. Oikos 
  • Cornioley T, Börger L, Ozgul A, Weimerskirch H (2016) Impact of changing wind conditions on foraging and incubation success in male and female wandering albatrosses. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Clements CF, Ozgul A (2016) Rate of forcing and the forecastability of critical transitions. Ecology and Evolution
  • Cruickshank SS, Ozgul A, Zumbach S, Schmidt BR (2016) Quantifying population declines based on presence-only records for red-list assessments. Conservation Biology
  • Cozzi G, Chynoweth M, … Ozgul A*, Şekercioğlu ÇH* (2016) Anthropogenic food resources foster the coexistence of distinct life history strategies: year-round sedentary and migratory brown bears. Journal of Zoology 
  • Canale CI, Ozgul A, Allainé D, Cohas A (2016) Differential plasticity of size and mass to environmental change in a hibernating mammal. Global Change Biology
  • Băncilă RI, Ozgul A, Hartel T, Sos T, Schmidt RB (2016) Direct negative density-dependence in a pond-breeding frog population. Ecography
  • Sommer S, Piscia R, Manca MM, Fontaneto D, Ozgul A (2016) Demographic cost and mechanisms of adaptation to environmental stress in resurrected Daphnia. Journal of Limnology
  • Sommer S, Nandini S, Sarma SSS, Ozgul A, Fontaneto D (2016) Rotifers in Lake Orta: a potential ecological and evolutionary model system. Journal of Limnology 
  • Clements CF, Ozgul A (2016) Including trait-based early warning signals helps predict population collapse. Nature Communications
  • Brooks ME, Mugabo M, Rodgers GM, Benton TG, Ozgul A (2016) How well can body size represent effects of the environment on demographic rates? Disentangling correlated explanatory variables. Journal of Animal Ecology


  • Turnbull LA, Ozgul A, … Bunbury N (2015) Persistence of distinctive morphotypes in the native range of the CITES-listed Aldabra giant tortoise. Ecology and Evolution
  • Cozzi G, Börger L, … Ozgul A (2015) Effects of trophy hunting leftovers on the ranging behaviour of large carnivores: a case study on spotted hyenas. PLoS ONE
  • Clements CF, Drake JM, Griffiths JI, Ozgul A (2015) Factors influencing the detectability of early warning signals of population collapse. American Naturalist
  • Petchey OL, Pontarp M, … Ozgul A, … Pearse IS (2015) The ecological forecast horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants. Ecology Letters
  • Ozgul A, Bateman AW, English S, Coulson T, Clutton-Brock TH (2014) Linking body mass and group dynamics in an obligate cooperative breeder, Suricata suricatta. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • English S, Bateman AW, Mares R, Ozgul A, Clutton-Brock TH (2014) Maternal, social and abiotic environmental effects on growth vary across life stages in a cooperative mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Bateman AW, Ozgul A, Nielsen JF, Coulson T, Clutton-Brock TH (2013) Social structure mediates environmental effects on group size in an obligate cooperative breeder, Suricata suricatta. Ecology
  • Sæther B-E, Coulson T, … Ozgul A, Weimerskirch H (2013) How life history influences population dynamics in fluctuating environments. American Naturalist
  • Engen S, Sæther B-E, … Ozgul A (2013) Estimating the effect of temporally autocorrelated environments on the demography of density-independent age-structured populations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
  • Dietz MS, Murdock CC, Romero LM, Ozgul A, Foufopoulos J (2013) Distance to a road is associated with reproductive success and physiological stress response in a migratory landbird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology
  • Ozgul A, Coulson T, Reynolds A, Cameron TC, Benton TG (2012) Population responses to perturbations: the importance of trait-based analysis illustrated through a microcosm experiment. American Naturalist
  • Bateman AW, Ozgul A, Coulson T, Clutton-Brock TH (2012) Density dependence in group dynamics of a highly social mongoose, Suricata suricatta. Journal of Animal Ecology

<2012 (pre-UZH)

  • Goswami VR, Getz LL, Hostetler JA, Ozgul A, Oli MK (2011) Synergistic influences of phase, density, and climatic variation on the dynamics of fluctuating populations. Ecology
  • Armitage KB, Van Vuren DH, Ozgul A, Oli MK (2011) Proximate causes of natal dispersal in female yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventris. Ecology
  • Ozgul A, Childs DZ, … Coulson T (2010) Coupled dynamics of body mass and population growth in response to environmental change. Nature
  • Struve J, Lorenzen K, … Ozgul A, … Bernard R (2010) Lost in space? Searching for directions in the spatial modelling of individuals, populations and species ranges. Biology Letters
  • Ezard THG, Bullock JM, … Ozgul A, Koons DN (2010) Matrix models for a changeable world: the importance of transient dynamics in population management. Journal of Applied Ecology
  • Wendland LD, Wooding J, … Ozgul A, … Brown MB (2010) Social behavior drives the dynamics of respiratory disease in threatened tortoises. Ecology
  • Ozgul A, Tuljapurkar S, Benton TG, Pemberton JM, Clutton-Brock TH, Coulson T (2009) The dynamics of phenotypic change and the shrinking sheep of St. Kilda. Science
  • Ozgul A, Oli MK, Bolker BM, Perez-Heydrich C (2009) Upper respiratory tract disease, force of infection, and effects on survival of gopher tortoises.  Ecological Applications
  • Ozgul A, Oli MK, Armitage KB, Blumstein DT, Van Vuren DH (2009) Influence of local demography asymptotic and transient dynamics of a yellow-bellied marmot metapopulation. American Naturalist
  • Borrego NOzgul A, Armitage KB, Blumstein DT, Oli MK (2008) Spatiotemporal variation in survival of male yellow-bellied marmots. Journal of Mammalogy
  • Ozgul A, Oli MK, Olson LE, Blumstein DT, Armitage KB (2007) Spatiotemporal variation in reproductive parameters of yellow-bellied marmots. Oecologia 
  • Getz LL, Ozgul A, Oli MK, Hofmann JE, McGuire B (2007) Dynamics of sympatric vole populations: influence of interspecific competition. Acta Zoologica Sinica
  • Ozgul A, Armitage KB, Blumstein DT, Oli MK (2006) Spatiotemporal variation in survival rates: implications for population dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots. Ecology
  • Ozgul A, Armitage KB, Blumstein DT, VanVuren DH, Oli MK (2006) Effects of patch quality and network structure on patch occupancy dynamics of a yellow-bellied marmot metapopulation. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Dodd CK Jr., Ozgul A, Oli MK (2006) The influence of disturbance events on survival and dispersal rates of Florida box turtles. Ecological Applications
  • Blumstein DT, Ozgul A, Yovovich V, Van Vuren DH, Armitage KB (2006) Effect of predation risk on the presence and persistence of yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) colonies. Journal of Zoology
  • Getz LL, Ozgul A, Oli MK, Hofmann JE, McGuire B (2006) Dynamics of vole populations: an experimental evaluation of the influence of food resources. Acta Theriologica Sinica
  • Getz LL, Oli MK, Hofmann JE, McGuire B, Ozgul A (2005) Factors influencing movement distances of two species of sympatric voles. Journal of Mammalogy
  • Ozgul A, Getz LL, Oli MK (2004) Demography of fluctuating populations: temporal and phase-related changes in vital rates of Microtus ochrogaster. Journal of Animal Ecology
  • Blumstein DT, Runyan A, … Ozgul A, … Daniel JC (2004) Locomotor ability and wariness in yellow-bellied marmots. Ethology
  • Furman A, Ozgul A (2004) The distribution of cave-dwelling bats and conservation status of underground habitats in Northwestern Turkey. Biological Conservation
  • Karatas A, Ozgul A (2003) On the occurrence of Geoffroy’s bat, Myotis emarginatus (Geoffroy, 1806), in Turkey (Chiroptera: Verspertilionidae). Zoology in the Middle East
  • Furman A, Ozgul A (2002) Distribution of cave-dwelling bats and conservation status of underground habitats in the Istanbul area. Ecological Research
  • Ozgul A, Bilgin R, Furman A (2000) Cave-dwelling bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of Çatalca – Kocaeli Region, Northwestern Turkey. Proceedings of the 8th European Bat Research Symposium