I am part of a project which aims to assess the consequences of ignoring some demographic aspects (environmental autocorrelation, density-dependence, reaction norms, life-history rates covariation) when projecting population dynamics. For my PhD, together with Maria Paniw, Dylan Childs, and Arpat Ozgul, I will mainly focus on the context-dependence of vital rates covariation, how it impacts population dynamics across a range of life-history types, and how we can detect context-dependent trade-offs. To this aim, I will use both theoretical simulations and long-term individual-based datasets from several animal populations.
My previous work has revolved around several topics related to the behavioural ecology of birds (evolution of colour and song, evolution of cooperation), using comparative analyses, analysis of long-term datasets, and field experiments.
Besides work, I am a keen birdwatcher and I enjoy running, cycling, and generally spending time outdoors.
- 2020–2025, PhD student, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zürich, Switzerland
- 2017-2019, MSc MEME Erasmus Mundus in Evolutionary Biology, University of Montpellier, France, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 2013-2016, BSc in Biology, University of Orléans, France
- Ivimey-Cook E, Sánchez-Tójar A, … , Bliard L, … , Moran N (preprint) From policy to practice: progress towards data- and code-sharing in ecology and evolution. EcoEvoRxiv ➤
- Gould E, Fraser H, … , Bliard L, … , Zitomer R (in press) Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. BMC Biology ➤
- Noble D, …, Bliard L, …, Nakagawa S, Lagisz M (2025) The promise of community-driven preprints in ecology and evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B ➤
- Bliard L*, Martin JS*, … , Childs DZ, Ozgul A (2024) Detecting context dependence in the expression of life history trade-offs. Journal of Animal Ecology ➤
- García-Navas V, Bliard L, Ozgul A (2024) Impact of a ‘reverse keystone species’ on the temporal dynamics of bird communities in Australia. Biological Conservation ➤
- Bliard L, Dufour P, Griesser M, Covas R (2024) Family-living and cooperative breeding in birds are associated with the number of avian predators. Evolution ➤
- Bliard L, Paniw M, Childs DZ, Ozgul A (2024) Population dynamic consequences of context-dependent tradeoffs across life histories. The American Naturalist ➤
- Fortuna R, Covas R, … , Bliard L, … , Paquet M (2024) Interplay of cooperative breeding and predation risk on egg allocation and reproductive output. Behavioral Ecology ➤
- García-Navas V, López-Poveda EA, Bliard L, Christidis L, Ozgul A (2023) No country for small birds: potential positive association among medium-sized, aggressive species in Australian bird communities. Diversity and Distributions ➤
- Blumstein D, Sanchez M, Philson C, Bliard L (2023) Is flight initiation distance associated with longer-term survival in yellow-bellied marmots, Marmota flaviventer? Animal Behaviour ➤
- Wheatcroft D, Bliard L, … , Qvarnström A (2022) Species-specific song responses emerge as a by-product of tuning to the local dialect. Current Biology ➤
- Bliard L, Qvarnström A, Wheatcroft D (2021) The role of introductory alarm calls for song discrimination in Ficedula flycatchers. Animal Behaviour ➤
- Bliard L, Paquet M, … , Doutrelant C (2020) Examining the link between relaxed predation and bird coloration on islands. Biology Letters ➤