Shrinking whales and warning signals

As with, I suspect, an embarrassingly high number of scientific papers this one was conceived over a mug of something warm and caffeinated, but unlike most of my other publications I finally have something charismatic to talk about!


Whales are big news (pun intended), and the commercial hunting of whales is a sensitive and emotive topic, with what could probably be described as a collective embarrassment regarding the mass slaughter carried out during the 20th centaury, and subsequent collapse of global whale populations. However a by-product of this generally frowned upon practice – and some frankly anally retentive bookkeeping – is an exceptional and unique record of the whales caught during this period. The International Whaling Commission required a record of all whales hunted, the approximate location of their capture, as well as details on their size to be noted down. The net result is a staggering record of over 2.8 million individual whales harvested from 1900 onwards.

Now the reason I know all of that is because of that caffeinated beverage in a small café in Hobart, during a visit to the University of Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and Antarctic Research. The idea behind the visit was to test the effectiveness of a method for predicting population declines that incorporated classic abundance based early warning signals1,2 along side shifts in trait dynamics3 on data from real-world population collapses. Our original intention was to simulate population collapses due to overharvesting and look for early warning signals (EWSs) before the collapses occurred. However one of the key aims of EWSs is to make them applicable to species of conservation interest, and whilst brainstorming the best way to approach this we realized that data might already exist which would allow us to test these methods – data that describe the dynamics of populations prior to documented collapses, that include information on the body size of individuals. And thus this Nature Ecology & Evolution paper was born – where we identify both abundance based and trait-based EWSs up to 40 years prior to the collapse of whale populations.

For me a few really interesting secondary results came out of this. The first was the sheer scale of the whaling effort during the 20th centaury – at its peak over 30,000 Blue whales were removed in a single year, with similar peaks seen in the other three species we looked at. So perhaps it shouldn’t have been as surprising as it was to see dramatic changes in the body size of these whale populations – a decline of over 4m in Sperm whales caught over a 80 year period. What is fascinating to me is the interaction between the ecology of each species and the techniques developed to hunt whales, and how this impacts the trend in body size over time; Sperm whales decline in size consistently through time, probably because they are relatively slow moving, where as for faster species landed body sizes initially increase (in line with technological advancement4) and then decline as all the large individuals are removed.

This paper felt in many ways cathartic – that we can use this data from a barbaric period of commercial excess to develop and test methods that might be applied to the current diversity crisis feels good. And whilst we are still a long way from making perfect predictions about the fate of biodiversity in the Anthropocene, every step towards this goal helps.

The paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution is here:


This paper was made possible by a Swiss National Science Foundation International Short visits grant, and an ERC Starting grant (#337785) to A.O



  1. Dakos, V. et al. Methods for detecting early warnings of critical transitions in time series illustrated using simulated ecological data. PLoS One 7, e41010 (2012).
  2. Scheffer, M. et al. Early-warning signals for critical transitions. Nature 461, 53–9 (2009).
  3. Clements, C. F. & Ozgul, A. Including trait-based early warning signals helps predict population collapse. Nat. Commun. 7, 10984 (2016).
  4. Basberg, B. L. Technological change in the Norwegian whaling industry. Res. Policy 11, 163–171 (1982).


Hopp Residuals!

Our formidable team of biodemographers and associates, The Residuals, conquered yet another 114km-long SOLA race around Zurich.

Big thanks to our captain, Omar, for the great organisation!



The Residuals, looking a bit more “together” after the race.

Movement Ecology Summer School – August 2017

It is our pleasure to announce the 2017 Movement Ecology Summer School (MESS) organised through the Life Science Zurich Graduate School, PhD Ecology Program. The MESS will be held in Faido (Ticino, Switzerland) during 27.8 – 1.9.2017.
The course builds on the expertise and positive feed-backs of the past summer schools. For this year too, we were able to secure the participation of leading scientists in the field of movement ecology and remote sensing:
Dr. Gabriela Schaepman-Strub (Zurich University)
Prof. John Fieberg (University of Minnesota)
Prof. Luca Börger (Swansea University)
Dr. Gabriele Cozzi (Zurich University)
This one-week course covers several aspects of animal movement ecology and includes both theoretical and conceptual and practical sessions. The course builds on analytical complexity and leads the participant through several steps. During day one, the participants will learn to source landscape information through available remote sensing imagery and to import, manipulate and represent geographical data into R. Day two will be dedicated to the decomposition of movement trajectories and characterisation of movement modes and phases. During day three the participants will be exposed to common methods used in the calculation of home ranges and discuss the pros and cons. During the next day we will use presence/absence data to analyze habitat selection. Finally, during the last day, the participants will be exposed to some new tools and methodologies to include data from alternative sensors (e.g. accelerometers) in the study of animal movements. Fundamental aspects such as study design, spatial autocorrelation, sources of error and time varying covariates will be discussed. Data sets will be provided but the participants are encouraged to bring their own data. Active participation during the course is required to obtain 2 ECTS credit points.
Please note, this course is organised for PhD students of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School. Priority will be given to students registered in the PhD Program in Ecology, however PhD and MSc students from other universities may attend if there are available places. 
Please do not hesitate to contact me ( for further information

Where can the wild things roam? Combining ecological suitability and human acceptance for the Swiss wolf.

About one third of the Swiss landscape offers suitable wolf habitat. Nonetheless, there is only a small fraction thereof where the wolf is tolerated by local communities. Those regions – characterized by both favourable environmental conditions and a positive attitude towards the wolf – are identified as candidate regions for the successful short to medium-term wolf expansion, according to a study conducted by the population ecology research group at the University of Zurich

©RamiroMarquezPhotos / iStock

The wolf was eradicated in Switzerland and from large parts of continental Europe including France and Germany by the end of the 19th century. Following legal protection, the wolf population started naturally increasing and expanding, and in 1995 its presence was confirmed in Switzerland. Sightings have increased since. Despite 13’800 km2 of Switzerland are characterized by favourable conditions such as large forests with little human pressure and have thus been identified as suitable wolf habitat, wolf expansion in Switzerland has been substantially slower than in other parts of continental Europe. As the wolf is more and more subject to human-dominated landscapes, scientist at the University of Zurich developed a novel method that integrated both ecological and human components to identify regions with favourable environmental conditions and where the wolf was tolerated.

Mapping human acceptance of the wolf to identify suitable socio-ecological areas

socio-ecological suitability model
Combining human acceptance (a, c) and habitat suitability (b, d)
helps identifying socio-ecologically suitable wolf habitats in Switzerland (e).

About one third of 10,000 randomly selected residents in Switzerland participated in the survey. Combining the response from questionnaires with geographical information, Dominik Behr and his team created a nationwide map of human acceptance. Acceptance decreased with increasing altitude of residency and even more so where high numbers of sheep and goats were held. Acceptance increased with increasing distance from confirmed wolf presence and in densely populated areas. People who perceived the wolf as dangerous to humans and harmful to livestock and wildlife mainly opposed the wolf. Younger people, and people who believe that the wolf had a positive influence on the ecosystem had a more positive attitude towards the predator.

“When we overlapped our human acceptance map with a habitat suitability map for the wolf, we realized that only about 6% of Switzerland was characterized by both a positive attitude and favourable environment conditions. This was in contrast to results from the habitat suitability map, which returned one third of the Swiss landscape as being suitable for the wolf” said Dominik Behr. “As wildlife biologists, we are good at understanding the ecological factors determining the suitability of a habitat for a wildlife species. Due to ever-increasing overlap between human and wildlife, however, we are obliged to take into consideration how human acceptance modifies our ecological description of habitat suitability. This study demonstrates one effective way to do this.” stressed Arpat Ozgul, professor of population ecology at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zurich, and co-author of the study.

A novel framework to manage wolves and people
The socio-ecological map created by Dominik Behr and his co-authors appears to accurately represent the wolf situation in Switzerland of the past years, including identifications of areas of high, moderate or limited conflict. “By capturing areas characterized by both favourable environmental conditions and a positive acceptance towards the wolf, our approach is a valuable tool to identify overall socio-ecological suitable areas for the wolf. Under given conditions, those regions are good candidates for the successful short to medium-term expansion of the wolf. Additionally, this approach allows to identify key regions where proactive and targeted socio-ecological management plans and a constructive dialog among different stakeholders are needed” said Dr. Gabriele Cozzi, who coordinated the study.

Special thanks go to the 3142 people that returned the completed questionnaire – this study would not have been possible without their contribution.

Behr DM, Ozgul A, Cozzi G (2017) Combining human attitude and habitat suitability: a unified socio-ecological suitability model for the wolf in Switzerland. Journal of Applied Ecology

BUSS 2016

written by Megan

My name is Megan, and I was an intern in this lab over the summer in the Biology Undergraduate Summer School, or BUSS program. That’s a very simple way of summing up all the amazing experiences I had thanks to the program and my host lab, and I think it would be best to start this blog post by talking about the BUSS program itself.

The BUSS program aims to unite students from all over the world with varying levels of experience in different biological fields to teach them new and exciting things. It was inspirational to witness the kind of devotion amongst all the people I had the pleasure to meet. The program allowed me to learn about topics from various fields, especially those outside of what I was used to. Seminars, retreats, and interactions with some of the top researchers reminded me of why I enjoy science so much. I was guided through by these amazing mentors as well as my peers who attended the program with me and the two months went by very quickly.

Zürich in summer (photos taken by Megan)

I worked with Koen van Benthem in theoretical biology on modelling techniques and gained new skills in different programming languages, practiced giving scientific presentations, and even learned to LaTex. My project itself was working on increasing the biological significance of Inverse Integral Projection models which use maximum likelihood to estimate parameters such as survival and growth within populations. As always, it was difficult to get started on a new project, but my host lab was very supportive. I learned many techniques and got to discover what theoreticians do. I also got to hear about all the things the other members of the lab do; and they’re all truly extraordinary people who really care about their work. Perhaps most importantly, it was very obvious to me that this lab works well as a unit. There was so much friendship and it was a wonderful environment; that’s an extremely important thing when you’re learning.

Altogether it was an extraordinary experience, and thank you to all who allowed me to come here and took the time to make feel so welcome.


Click the BUSS logo for more information on the program

Grimm’s enchanted forest – Gabriele about his work on bears and wolves

As researchers and conservationists, a key component of our work is to make our research findings accessible to everybody and engage with the general public. This is particularly important for sensitive and ‘political’ topics such as the recolonisation of the Swiss territory by large carnivores.

Gabriele talks to adults and children about his work on bears in Turkey and wolves in Switzerland, as part of the Grimm’s special exhibition organised by the Zürich Zoological Museum. If you are keen to learn more and talk to Gabriele, do not miss the next opportunity on Sunday 29th January 2017 at 11:30 in the museum main building.


Triple congratulations to Dominik

Series of congratulations to Dominik on three wonderful achievements!

First and foremost, he managed to persuade a wonderful lady, Regula, to tie the knot. We wish them a long and happy life together. May they grow old on one pillow!


Secondly, he successfully attracted third-party funding to support his PhD study on wild dog dispersal in Botswana, and started his PhD work. He is currently out and about, gps-collaring wild dogs together with Gabriele.

Last but not the least, he just received the Albert Heim Foundation’s 2016 Science Award, with his MSc work on the Swiss wolves. This award is given annually to outstanding work by young researchers in Swiss universities. The broad spectrum of research includes various disciplines around canines, including interdisciplinary issues such as the human-wolf relationships, which Dominik has nicely studies during his MSc. He sure will be a promising contender again with his new canine sp. in the upcoming years.

PopEcol Retreat 2016


This year, our group retreat was in Ticino. It involved ten group members, climbing up 1000m from Mergoscia to Cimetta, staying overnight at the top, and coming back down the next day. A great escape from “winter” in M̶o̶r̶d̶o̶r̶ Zurich. Thanks to Gabriele for organising the retreat and Chris for putting together this video summary: